• Zone Indus Elgolaa Douz 4234 Tunisia
  • export@sonab-ced.com
  • ISO 22000 Certification

  • of our products

Deglet nour : Dates on branch

“ Natural dates on branch with pits ”

  • Dates on branch
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Deglet Nour

  • Deglet Nour
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Natural dates in bulk with cores

“ Natural dates in bulk with cores ”

  • Standard dates
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Date paste

“ Dates deglet nour, amber to brown color ”

  • Other varities
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Diced dates

“ Dates deglet nour diced, amber to brown color ”

  • Other varities
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Dates jam

“ Date jam liquid to viscous consistency having a amber to brown color. Rich in potassium, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, vitamins B1, B2 and B3, date syrup is considered as a good source of energy ”

  • Other varities
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Processed Dates without cores

“ Processed Dates without cores ”

  • Processed Dates
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Pitted dates

  • Pitted Dates
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